Day Pilgrimage
Cambridge to Ely
Saturday 28th September 2024
Led by the Temenos Young Scholars
Fore more information click here.
The Temenos Academy Young Scholars are an informal grouping of young students who are attracted to the Temenos Academy’s approach to learning from, and not merely about, the great religious and philosophical traditions.
It is open to anyone aged 18 – 35 years wanting to take part in events organised by the Young Scholars, of which there have been eleven so far:
Cosmos – the Order of Things and Our Place in the World (2015)
Finding Common Ground: Exploring Unifying Principles in Poetry, Geometry, Philosophy and Music (2016)
Making a Good Society (2017)
Religious Thought in Today’s World (2018)
The Gift of Language (2018)
‘Deep roots are not reached by the frost’: The Inklings and the Western Tradition (Feb 2019)
Creation and Creativity (Oct 2019)
Tradition in the 21st Century (Feb 2020)
Human Endeavour and Mother Nature: The Boundaries of a Healthy Civilization (Feb 2022)
Attention and Ritual (June 2023)
Day Pilgrimage to Ely Catherdral (Feb 2024)
The Study Days include talks by keynote speakers and contributions from the Young Scholars themselves and are entirely free of charge.
A TEMENOS YOUNG SCHOLARS WORDPRESS BLOG has been created HERE where Young Scholars may exchange ideas and read a selection of the talks presented at the Temenos Young Scholars Days.
For those interested, Young Scholars may propose and submit an original paper on a topic of their choice written in a way that emulates the first five of the ‘Ten Basic Principles’ that inspire the work of Temenos:
Acknowledgement of Divinity
Love of Wisdom, as the essential basis of civilization
Spiritual vision as the life-breath of civilization
Maintenance of the revered traditions of mankind
Understanding of tradition as continual renewal
The subject may be drawn from the Humanities in general – art, philosophy, poetry, religion. For guidance we suggest looking at the work of the numerous contributors to the Temenos Academy Review over the last 18 years. The essay should be between 2,000 and 4,000 words in length.
Essays will be appraised by the Temenos Academy Academic Board or a Temenos Academy Fellow. If accepted, the author will be entitled to Membership of the Academy and a free subscription to the Temenos Academy Review until the age of 35.
Essays of exceptional merit will be considered for publication in the Temenos Academy Review.
For an application form please click here
or contact the Temenos Administrator by email at
[Photo credit: Julia Cleave – Young Scholars’ Gathering near the Kilns, Oxford, February 2019]