Who We Are



Professor John Carey

Ms Emma Clark

Mrs Julia Cleave

Professor Grevel Lindop

Sir Alan Parker, CVO

Professor Kim Samuel

Mr Ian Skelly (Chair)

Mr Vinod B Tailor MBE, DL


President Emeritus

The late Professor Keith Critchlow,  16 March 1933 – 8 April 2020


Academic Board

Professor John Carey

Ms Emma Clark

Mrs Julia Cleave

Ms Hilary Davies

Dr Valentin Gerlier

Professor Grevel Lindop

Dr Joseph Milne

Dr Jeremy Naydler

Dr Daniel Samuel



Dr Daniel Samuel



‘The Temenos Academy was founded to help those who ask the most important questions: Who am I, from whence did I come, and where am I going? The journey of the soul is one where those who have recognized the path can help those who, by asking, seek the path. In short Truth, Goodness and Beauty, the values of Temenos (as they are of Plato, and with dialectical variations those of all traditional teachings) are the necessary integral values which can liberate us all.’

Keith Critchlow, late President Emeritus of the Temenos Academy






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