Edited by Stephen Cross and Jack Herbert
230 pages
John Carey Christ Sun of Justice: The Symbolism of a Church
in Vermont
Tom Cheetham The Prophetic Tradition & the Battle for the
Soul of the World
Keith Critchlow Dr Martin Lings
Stephen Cross and Jack Herbert Editorial
Michael Donley Paul Claudel (1868–1955) – Poet of the Sacred
Edward Falconar On Seeing Reality
Todd Mei Hermeneutics and the Unity of Truth
Colin Moss The Curtain
Peter Oldmeadow Buddhist Yogacara Philosophy and Ecology
William Radice Confession Versus the exclamation mark:
why Rabindranath Tagore did not like the poetry of Michael
Madhusudan Dutt
Kathleen Raine Revisioning the Sacred for our Time
John Tavener Mozart – A Celebration of an Unconscious Mystic
John Allison, Wendell Berry, Andrew Frisardi, David
Gascoyne, Brian Keeble, Lotte Kramer, Earl Livings, Kathleen
Raine, India Russell, Mark Rutter
of books by or edited by Stella Astor, Tom Cheetham, Neil
Curry, Volker Harlan, Peter Kingsley, John Lane, Ralph
Liedtke, Jean Mambrino and Jeremy Reed