Edited by Grevel Lindop
221 pages
John Carey Etymology and Time
Tom Cheetham Consuming Passions: The Feast, the Stars and
the Science of the Balance
Wilson Harris ‘The Mask of the Beggar’ – Extract from a
Novel in Progress
Grevel Lindop Editorial
Joseph Milne Mind and Reality: An Exploration of the
Philosophy of Nagarjuna
Raimon Panikkar The Tragedy of the Grand Inquisitor
Kathleen Raine Sir Peter Parker
Ian Skelly John Napper: Painting in the Light Stream
HRH The Prince of Wales A Time to Heal
Karel Werner Borobudur – a Sermon in Stone
Robert B. Zimmer Wordsworth’s Serious Belief in Pre-Existence
John Napper
Andrew Frisardi, Jack Herbert, Jean Mambrino, Harold
Morland, Colin Moss, Jeremy Reed
of books by Michael Comans, James Cowan, John Haines,
Martin Hammond, Jeremy Hooker, Thutpen Jinpa and Jas
Elsner, David Jones, Peter Russell, William Radice, Jean-Yves
Tadie and Rabindranath Tagore