Edited by John Carey, James Harpur and Daniel Samuel
234 pages
ISBN 978 1 9164818 7 9
Hilary Armstrong Two Neoplatonist Notes, and a letter
Thetis Blacker Dream of the Bell and the Poachers’ Path
Ernesto Cardenal The Secret of Machu Picchu (trans. G. Lindop)
Graham Carey Holes in Oblivion: Memories of Ananda Coomaraswamy
Emma Clark Works by Keith Critchlow
Dylan Esler In Search of the Tibetan Dzogchen Manuscripts in Tagore’s Haven: Report on a Research Trip to Santiniketan
Andrew Frisardi Cold Dawn: Yeats, the Gyres, and Poetic Style
Joscelyn Godwin The Interventions of Marco Pallis
Agung Harjano, Agus Ismoyo, Pang Warman and Nia Flam Suluk Ambathik: Character Building through Creative Practice
Kathleen Raine Poetry and the Frontiers of Consciousness
Christine Rhone Kathleen Raine: Poet of Times Past or Times to Come?
Reza Shah-Kazemi From Karmic Implication to Spiritual Resolution: Groundhog Day Revisited
Ian Skelly Stephen Cross (1934-2021)
Samuel Bendeck Sotillos The Timeless Wisdom of Buddhism in the Contemporary World: A Conversation with John Paraskevopoulos
Simon Wilson Jack Herbert (1931-2021)
W. B. Yeats William Blake: An Introduction
ILLUSTRATIONS by Keith Critchlow
POETRY David Barlow, Eva Bourke, Kevin Crossley-Holland, Victoria Field, Andrew Frisardi, Gabriel Griffin, Daniel Gustafsson, Fred Johnston, Peggy Jones, John Robert Lee, Grevel Lindop, Aidan Mathews, Kieron Winn, Duncan Wu
REVIEWS of books by or edited by Nicholas Campion, Priscilla Costello, Andrew Frisardi, Valentin Gerlier, Eric Gill, John Paraskevopoulos, Sarah Shaw, Jan M. Ziolkowski.