Temenos Academy Review 24


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Edited by John Carey, James Harpur and Daniel Samuel

293 pages

ISBN 978 1 9164818 6 2


Seyram Agbleze  Exploring West African Textile Traditions

Wendell Berry  Eric Gill and the Fate of the World

Jorge Luis Borges  The Immortal

Suheil Bushrui  Lebanon’s Dialogue with the West: Ameen Rihani and Arab Civilization

Emma Clark  Keith Critchlow (1933-2020)

Odile Dapsens  The Gospel of John in the Light of The Message Rediscovered

Andrew Frisardi   The Nazarene in Vernon Watkin’s Ear

Grevel Lindop  Kapila Vatsyayan (1928-2020)

Paul Marchant  Personal Tribute to Keith Critchlow

Jeremy Naydler  Bringing Light to the World through Faith, Hope, and Love

Esmé L. K. Partridge The Gnostic Pearl in Syriac Christianity, Islam and Beyond

Kathleen Raine   Hopi Art of Living

Alison M. Roberts  Warren Kenton (1933-2020)

Richard Gotch Robinson  Dante’s Commedia: An Unfinished Introduction

Samuel Bendeck Sotillos  The Transfiguration of the Human Being

Duane Williams  Opposition is True Friendship


POETRY Peter Abbs, D.M. Black, James Brookes, Kevin Crossley-Holland, Hilary Davies, Brian Keeble, Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock, Kevin McGrath, C.P. Nield, Grace Wells, Vincent Woods, Lynne Wycherley


REVIEWS of books by or edited by Owen Barfield, Rémi Brague, Brian Keeble, Gary Lachman, Peter McDonald, Jeremy Naydler, Elizabeth Powell, Richard Ramsbotham, Alison Roberts