Edited by John Carey, Valentin Gerlier and James Harpur, 2020
ISBN 978 1 9164818 5 5
344 pages
Samuel Bendeck Sotillos Religion and Spirituality According to the Perennial Philosophy
William C. Chittick Sam‛ānī on the Secret of Love in Adam’s Felicitous Sin
Hilary Davies The Landscape of Wales in the Poetry of David Jones, G. M. Hopkins and Dylan Thomas
Andrew Frisardi Everything That Lives: Kathleen Raine’s Prophetic Vocation
Warwick Gould Yeats’s Book of ‘Numberless Dreams’: His Notebooks, ‘Visions: 1898-1901’, and the Irish ‘Unwritten Tradition’
Howard Hull Storming into Beauty: Ruskin, Turner and the Ethics of the Dust
Lois Lang-Sims The Marian Mystery: A Meditation
Andrew Louth Bulgakov and Russian Sophiology
Joseph Milne Cosmic Harmony and the Sacred City
Kathleen Raine Is There a Normal Society?
Christine Rhone A Beginner’s Guide to Symbolic Geometry: An Interview with Professor Michael Schneider
James Snowdon Barnett (1942-2019)
Paddy Bushe, Lucy Calcott, Kevin Crossley-Holland, John F. Deane, Maura Dooley, Andrew Frisardi, Andrew Johnston, Earl Livings, Charles Mugleston, Gerard Smyth, Christopher Southgate
of books by or edited by Thomas Berenato et al., Avinash Chandra, Alan Garner, James Harpur, Kenneth Kraft, John Robert Lee, Hugh Lupton, Plotinus, Wolfgang Smith, Mark Vernon