Edited by John Carey and James Harpur
262 pages
isbn 978 0 9564078 7 0
Wendell Berry It All Turns on AVection
Thetis Blacker Tale of the Serpent Tree
John Carey Editorial
John Carey Hymns to the Rbhus
Dylan Esler Finding Treasure: A Mode of Scriptural Revelation
in the rNying-ma School of Tibetan Buddhism
Hans-Wolfgang Frick Money
Brian Keeble Whose is this Horrifying Face? Reading David
Gascoyne’s ‘Miserere’
Jill Line A Vision of Arcadia
Jeremy Naydler In Defence of the Flower Garden
Kathleen Raine The Writing of Poems
Faouzi Skali Moses in Sufi Tradition
Simon Wilson A Religion of Black and White
Snowdon Barnett, Anne Cluysenaar, Hilary Davies, Patricia
Excell, David Gascoyne, Lotte Kramer, Earl Livings, Rupert
M. Loydell, India Russell, Lawrence Sail, Penelope Shuttle,
Margaret Wilmot, Kieron Winn
of books by Keith Critchlow, John F. Deane, Marsilio Ficino,
John GriYn, Malcolm Guite, Stephan Harding, Brian Keeble,
Peter Kingsley, Rusmir Mahmutc´ehajic´, Christian Moevs,
Jeremy Naydler and John Vyvyan