Edited by John Carey and James Harpur
349 pages
isbn 978 0 9564078 5 6
John Carey Editorial
John Carey Henry Corbin and the Secret of the Grail
Stephen Cross Original Innocence or Original Sin? The
Anthropology of Rousseau and Joseph de Maistre
Robert Abdul Hayy Darr The Sufi Understanding of
Andrew Frisardi The ‘Commedia’ as Cosmos
Brian Keeble That Dream Is All I Am: Reading ‘On a Deserted
Joseph Milne Visions of the Cosmos: Nicholas of Cusa and
Giordano Bruno
Kathleen Raine Blake and England
Valery Rees The Sulphur and the Flame: Marsilio Ficino on
the Life of the Soul
Christine Rhone A Foot in the Door to Plato’s Academy:
An Interview with Daud Sutton
Reza Shah-Kazemi Martin Lings and the Sanctity of Sincerity
Angela Voss God or the Daemon? Platonic Astrology in
a Christian Cosmos
HRH The Prince of Wales Islam and the Environment
Simon Wilson The Grail Utopia in Southern Germany
Ann Wroe Shelley’s Spiritual Quest
Sebastian Barker, Kevin Crossley-Holland, John F. Deane,
Jill Eulalie Dawson, Judy Gahagan, Gabriel GriYn, Grevel
Lindop, Mary O’Malley, William Oxley, Mark Roper
of books by Paul Douglas, Michael Oren Fitzgerald, M. Ali
Lakhani, Keiron Le Grice, Hugh Lupton, Sulak Sivaraksa,
Richard Smoley and HRH The Prince of Wales