


Edited by John Carey and James Harpur
303 pages
ISBN 978 0 9551934 8 4


William Bedford Ted Hughes: The Shaman’s Journey
John Carey Editorial
Henry Corbin Youthfulness and Chivalry in Iranian Islam:
Part II
Stephen Cross The ‘Knot of the Heart’ in Upanishadic Thought
Andrew Frisardi Dante, Orpheus and the Poem as Salutation
Joscelyn Godwin John Michell (1993–2009)
Jack Herbert Philip Sherrard on ‘Kathleen Raine and The
Symbolic Art’: Some Reactions and Thoughts
Donald John William Blake and the Dionysius Freher
Illuminations to the ‘Law’ Edition of Boehme
Leonard Lewisohn Correspondences between English Romantic
and Persian Sufi Poets: An Essay in Anagogic Criticism
Martin Lings Foreword to ‘Old Lithuanian Songs’
Jeremy Naydler The Artist as Priest: Reflections on the Sacred
Art and Culture of Ancient Egypt
Kathleen Raine Ash Wednesday
Christine Rhone Holy Well: In Memory of John Michell
Thierry of Chartres The Works of the Six Days
Arthur Versluis John Pordage and the Horizon of History

Dionysius Andreas Freher

Elizabeth Burns, Moya Cannon, John F. Deane, Malcolm
Guite, Alyson Hallett, Lotte Kramer, Sam Lawes, Earl
Livings, Kevin McGrath, Brendan McMahon, Christopher
Nield, William Radice, India Russell, Mark Rutter, Kieron
Winn, Lynne Wycherley

of books by or edited by Owen Barfield, Anne Cluysenaar,
Jean Hani, James Harpur, Patrick Harpur, Marged Haycock,
Brian Keeble, Thomas Laird, Lord Northbourne, Timothy
Scott, Reza Shah-Kazemi and Lewis Thompson