Inward Lies the Way


German Thought and the Nature of Mind





Temenos Academy Papers 26
136 pages
ISBN 978 0 9551934 2 2 paper

A collection of four essays by Stephen Cross and Jack Herbert, based upon lectures
given to the Temenos Academy in 2002.
The German Romantics and the Vision of India (Cross)
Goethe’s Faust as Opus Alchymicum (Herbert)
Arthur Schopenhauer and the Thought of India (Cross)
C.G. Jung and the German Tradition (Herbert)
Stephen Cross writes and lectures on Indian and European thought. His Schopenhauer’s
Encounter with Indian Thought (2013), examines Schopenhauer’s writings as a bridge
by means of which important aspects of the European tradition may be brought into
relation with Hindu and Buddhist religious and philosophical ideas. He is a Fellow of
the Temenos Academy.
Jack Herbert studied William Blake at Cambridge under Kathleen Raine and he has
lectured at the Universities of Munich and Kyushu. Until recently, he was staV tutor in
literature with the Cambridge University Institute of Continuing Education. He is a
Fellow of the Temenos Academy.