A Sacred Trust: Ecology and Spiritual Vision




Preface HRH The Prince of Wales
Edited by David Cadman and John Carey
Temenos Academy Papers 17
185 pages
ISBN 978 0 9540311 0 7 cased

Wendell Berry Going to Work
Suheil Bushrui Environmental Ethics: A Baha’i Perspective
David Cadman A Sacred Trust – An Introduction
David Cadman With Our Thoughts We Make the World
Edward Goldsmith The Cosmic in Art, Architecture and Society at the Millennium
Brian Goodwin Circling the Square: Moving from Control to Participation in Science
and the Arts
Satish Kumar Reverence for Life: A Jain Perspective
Seyyed Hossein Nasr The Spiritual and Religious Dimensions of the Environmental Crisis
Jeremy Naydler The Three Temptations
Kathleen Raine Millennial Hymn to the Lord Shiva
Philip Sherrard For Every Thing That Lives Is Holy
Vandana Shiva Annadana – Gift of Food