
The Temenos Academy is a charity; we regard it as our mission to make the wisdom and beauty of the world’s sacred traditions more available to as many as we can. The prices that we charge for our lectures, study groups and publications have never come close to covering the attendant costs, with the consequence that Temenos has always depended on the generosity of supporters in order to continue carrying on its work.

The need for such support remains acute. If you value what Temenos does, and if you are able to make a contribition of any kind, large or small, you can make a donation via PayPal, or by Debit or Credit card, by clicking the button below.



If you are currently a UK tax payer you can boost your donation by making a Gift Aid declaration. When you do this Temenos is able to claim from HM Government an extra 25p for every £1 you donate. It will not cost you any extra. To make a Gift Aid declaration please fill in this form and return it to us at the address at the bottom of the page.

To make a donation by BACS payment or standing order, or if you are interested in exploring other ways in which you could assist in securing the future of the Temenos Academy, please write to our administrator at:


The Temenos Academy, PO Box 80316, London, SE1P 6TL




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